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Blah Blah, Review and thought, TIPS

Kingdom season2 from NETFLIX

by 아카진 2020. 3. 5.


I’m so excited that coming up next season as 2 for KINGDOM @ NETFLIX original series.



KINGDOM season 1 was so hot and awesome. It was being ranked in the top range from NETFLIX original on year 2019.


We could see and meet this TV series from the NETFLIX only.

This TV series named as KINGDOM. So, it seems to sound like American movie.
But, it’s K-drama.

Anyway, it was one of successful K-drama like as the movie of Parasite.


Kingdom season2 will be on 3/13 at NETFLIX.


3/13일 시즌2가 시작 된다고 합니다.

엄청 기대되네요..




물론, 그 외에 많은 배우들이 출연합니다.

주지훈, 류승용, 베두나, 김상호, 허준호, 진선규, 김성규, 전석호, 박병은, 김혜준, 김태훈, 김윤성



그리고, 전지현...

전지현은 '킹덤2' 엔딩에 특별출연으로 참여했다고 합니다.

